ID | Name | D | Longitude Latitude | Act |
SAI25 | 2.5-m RC reflector, CMO | 2500 | 42.6674E 43.7363N | T |
RC600 | 60-cm ASA RC reflector, CMO | 600 | 42.6683E 43.7364N | T |
ics | Name | PI name | M3 | Focus | IA | Act | Scope | Howto Apply | |
ANC | Astronomical Near-Infrared Camera-spectrograph | Tatarnikov A.M. | | N1 | 10.23 | 7.5 | T | SAI25 | ANC.pdf |
HRS | High resultion propotype spectrometer | Shatsky N.I. | | C1 | 10 | -38 | T | SAI25 | HRS.pdf |
LMP | Astronomical Mid-Infrared Photometer | Zheltoukhov S.G. | | N3 | 12.847 | 0 | T | SAI25 | LMP.pdf |
MGL | Mapper of Narrow Galaxy Lines | Moiseev A.V. | | N2 | 11.7 | 17.8 | F | SAI25 | MGL.pdf |
NBI | Wide Field CCD Imager | Voziakova O.V. | | C1 | 10.027 | 95 | T | SAI25 | NBI.pdf |
RC6 | Andor CCD photometer at RC600 | Belinski A.A. | | 0 | 0 | T | RC600 | RC6.pdf | |
SPP | Speckle-Polarimeter | Safonov B.S. | | N2 | 11 | 0 | T | SAI25 | SPP.pdf |
TDS | Transient Double-beam Spectrograph | Potanin S.A. | | C1 | 10.122 | -85.1 | T | SAI25 | TDS.pdf |
Instrument TDS Details
User access rights: read-only
Field | Description | Value |
ics | instrument ID ANC/MNG/NBI/SPP/TDS | TDS |
name | one-word instrument name | TDS |
full_name | full instrument name | Transient Double-beam Spectrograph |
pi_name | primary investigator name | Potanin S.A. |
pi e-mail | | |
m3 | focal station ID C1/N1/N2/N3/null (TBC) | C1 |
m2_pos0 | [mm] M2 focussed position at 0 degC | 10.122 |
ip_addr | IP-address of the control s/w (ICS) | |
port | port number of the ICS | 33004 |
instang | [deg] instrument attachment angle (-180<<180] | -85.1 |
field_radius | [mm] field of view radius (avoid AGU obscure zone) | 60 |
active | current operation status | 1 |
derotype | derotatory type (0 - no dero, 1 - mechanical, 2 - optical) | 1 |
telescope | telescope ID | SAI25 |
Modes list
mode | comment |
LONG | Long-slit or slitless spectroscopy |
BIAS | Bias frame |
DARK | Dark frame |
FLAT | Flat field calibration |
ARC | Wavelength arc lamp calibration |
CENTER | Centering of an object using slit viewer camera |
JUMP | Apply telescope corrections determined by CENTER |
VIEW | Swap to MIRROR_V and save a field snapshot |
Bands list
band | filterid | cenwave,nm | place | comment |
R | DTDS1_T | 656 | Red arm | |
B | DTDS1_R | 460 | Blue arm | |
G | DTDS1_RG | 505 | Blue arm with grizm | |
RG | DTDS1_TRG | Dual arm with grizm | ||
RB | DTDS1_TR | Dual arm |
Specific TDS parameters list
name | type | default_value |
SLIT | C | 1asec |
SPEED | F | 0.05 |
MIRROR | B | false |
INBEAM | B | true |
AUTOEXP | B | false |
Field | Description | Value |
id | 1376644 | |
ics | NBI | |
name | PORTCNT | |
type | 'C'haracted, 'I'nteger, 'F'loat, 'D'ouble (CHECK) | I |
default_value | 1 | |
comment | Readout port count (1, 2 or 4) |